
Absolute Advantage Podcast
Peter talks with Kelly Hatfield about how the Emeralds can facilitate transformations and help people step into the best version of themselves.

Out of the Fog Radio
What if there were a way to make yourself bigger and your problems smaller? Peter and Karen Hager explore this possibility.

Uplift Your Life Podcast
Peter talks with Dr. Paula Joyce how the Emeralds can be used to face fears and go after what you want.

How the Wisdom in 'The Wizard of Oz' Can Bring Clarity to Your Life
In advance of his workshop at Duke Integrative Medicine on Oct. 22, Peter blogs about how readers can activate the wisdom from this beloved film to improve their outlook and their lives.

The Creative Life Podcast
James and Peter discuss the hero's journey, writing on deadline, working with Douglas Adams, and the nine Emeralds.

The Creative Writer's Toolbelt
Andrew and Peter talk about what writers can glean from the wisdom within "The Wizard of Oz."

Wisdom Talk Radio
Laurie and Peter talk about how to choose compassion, our personal "Glindas," and the simple, but profound link between the concept of "home" and the meditative sound "ohm."

One New Person Podcast with Brian Miller
Brian and Peter chat about what exactly an editor's role is in the publishing process and the timeless wisdom contained in "The Wizard of Oz." Plus, Peter shares his story of a chance encounter with lasting impact.

Real Fiction Radio Interview
Peter and Lori Messing McGarry cover navigating life's obstacles, crafting active sentences, and editing
Stephen Hawking.

The Writer Files Podcast: Part 2
Peter and Kelton Reid discuss pulling back the curtain on the writer's life, finding courage in front of a blank screen, and important lessons from "The Wizard of Oz" that are particularly applicable to creatives.

The Writer Files Podcast: Part I
Peter and Kelton Reid explore the courage needed to face the blank page and the value in silencing your inner critic so that your writing process can begin.

The DreamMason Podcast: Navigating Your Yellow Brick Road
Peter and Alex Terranova discuss the importance and relevance of our dreams, the connections between The Wizard of Oz and the wisdom of Stephen Hawking and Deepak Chopra, and more.

Emeralds of Wisdom: Life Lessons From The Wizard of Oz
Insights from Oz can guide your journey from helpless to empowered, lost to centered, from looking for answers out there to finding them within.

Peter, Live at Washington, DC's Meditation Museum
Sister Jenna discusses the Emeralds with Peter – and their conversation is followed by a workshop so that attendees can put this wisdom to work in their own lives.

Peter in Conversation with Sister Jenna
On American Meditating Radio Show, the pair dissects the wisdom in "The Wizard of Oz," with a special focus on the spiritual elements in the film.

Live Interview with WCHL's Aaron Keck
Peter discusses why "The Wizard of Oz" endures eight decades later and breaks down a few of his favorite Emeralds.

Workplace Wisdom from "The Wizard of Oz"
On AICPA's "Human Intelligence," Peter dives into how the Emeralds can help you in your professional life.

Chapel Hill Author Mines Oz’s Emeralds for Life Lessons
Peter sits down with the paper to talk about how the wisdom contained within “The Wizard of Oz" is as timely now as ever, if not more so.

Lessons From Over the Rainbow
Peter reflects on how the lessons from "The Wizard of Oz" can serve as a useful tool for parents.

Interview on Wisconsin Public Radio
On an episode of "The Larry Meiller Show," Peter explores how there's more to "The Wizard of Oz" than meets the eye and answers listeners' questions.

Episode of Asheville FM Living Well
Peter discusses how the power of Emeralds can help readers achieve the life they're seeking.

A Q&A with Susan Cain
Peter dives into the special significance the Emeralds of Wisdom hold for introverts.

An Interview with Spectrum News
Peter discusses the premise of Emeralds of Oz ahead of the release date and his event at Flyleaf Books.

Facebook Live – A Conversation at Harper Wave
Peter talks with his editor, Hannah Robinson, and pulls back the curtain
on writing Emeralds of Oz.

Author Peter Guzzardi Shares Lessons from ‘The Wizard of Oz’ in New Book
The longtime editor and Chapel Hill resident is now a first-time author.

Facebook Live – A Conversation with Deepak Chopra
Peter reunited with his longtime friend to discuss Emeralds of Oz.

The Buzziest Books Being Released This May 2019
Novels, memoirs, short stories, true crime—the list goes on.

Life and Literary Lessons from Oz
An editor turned author pulls back the curtain on his writing experience.

Facebook Live with Laura Saltman
On how to get a book published, Emeralds of Oz, and more.

A Brief History of A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking

What Made Hawking’s ‘A Brief History of Time’ So Immensely Popular?

A Brief History of Time